think: pikir
thin: tipis
remember: ingat
easy: gampang/mudah
not only: tidak hanya
try it: coba itu
so: jadi
you smart: kamu pintar
all of: semua
frankly: terus terang
move: pindah
jump: lompat
wait: tunggu
forget full: pelupa
live: tinggal/langsung
life: kehidupan
-what: apa
-when: kapan
-how: bagaimana
-why: kenapa
-where: dimana
-who: siapa
-to night
he is eating in the conteen i am teaching now
+they are drinking in the cafe
-they are not drinking in the cafe
? are they drinking in the cafe
what does mean the first paragraph?
apa arti pertama paragrap
1.Andis sedang tidur sekarang
2.Wiranto dan pacarnya sedang pergi ke bali pagi ini
3.apakah mereka sedang menggali lubang di depan kantin sekarang
4.apa kamu sedang memanjat gunung itu sekarang
5.kelas XII.multimedia 1 sedang makan sekarang
1.Andis is sleeping now
2.wiranto and his girlsfriend going to bali this morning
3.are they diging the hole in front canteen now
4.are we climbing mountain now.
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